The Claggett Center
The Claggett Center in Adamstown, Maryland, sits on 268 acres with picturesque views of Sugarloaf Mountain and the Monocacy River Valley. At the center of the campus is a barn, now
The Claggett Center in Adamstown, Maryland, sits on 268 acres with picturesque views of Sugarloaf Mountain and the Monocacy River Valley. At the center of the campus is a barn, now
Authentic but Modern The next chapter in this 283-year-old farm’s story is being written by Daniel and Elizabeth O’Rourke, who purchased the farm in 2014. But what you see today
A place for Family and Friends The Dieffenbach family has been a fixture in Womelsdorf, almost since its founding. With this newly restored barn, they have the place to keep
This barn was restored in 2021–22 by a fourth-generation descendant of the family who purchased the farmstead, including the barn, in 1899. The south-facing side of the barn features 22
Basehore Farm Market in Mechanicsburg, PA This barn restoration was the next step for the Basehore family in order to expand their farm market. The family heritage on the land
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